
This herbal supplement includes a natural component of rice bran, maize and barley oils – Gamma Oryzanol. Gamma Oryzanol occurs as a mixture of plant chemicals called sterols and ferulic acid esters. Some evidence suggests that Gamma Oryzanol increases testosterone levels, stimulates the release of endorphins (pain
relieving substances made in the body) and promotes the growth of lean muscle tissue.

RIGLY BODY BUILDER contains 66,7 g/litre of Gamma Oryzanol and the daily dosage (horses) is 15 m which should be administered orally by syringe over the back of the tongue. It is available in one pack size – 500ml. It is available from Stride Distributors at our numbers above or jeanetta@istridedist.co.za

Gamma Oryzanol is also marketed in Australia where it is stated:


“Gamma Oryzanol is a rice bran oil derivative.  Trials in Japan and elsewhere have shown that Gamma Oryzanol has effects on weight gain and performance comparable to some anabolic steroids.  The active chemicals: sterols, caffeic acid and lipophilic ferulic acid are not prohibited substances in any racing jurisdictions and can thus be used safely in racing animals.  In addition to the positive effects on body mass, human athletes report less fatigue, a mild stimulant effect, and reduced post exercise muscle soreness when using Gamma Oryzanol.”


“Human studies with weightlifters and athletes have shown increased muscle mass and definition, reduced fatigue and reduced post exercise muscle soreness, which contributed to better training sessions.  One trial of weightlifters in the US compared a group taking Gamma Oryzanol with a group taking an anabolic steroid.  The Gamma Oryzanol group showed greater weight gains with better muscle definition and a leaner appearance.  In a trial in Australia of 40 thoroughbred horses in full training, a group supplemented daily with Gamma Oryzanol was compared with a control group.


The Gamma Oryzanol group showed improved muscle to fat ratio, with better muscle definition in the rump, neck and over the withers.  The horses supplemented with Gamma-Oryzanol also maintained appetite better than the control group.


In addition, studies have shown that Gamma Oryzanol is a natural antioxidant and can lower cholesterol levels in the blood, it has been used in humans to lower the risk of heart disease.  Gamma Oryzanol has also been shown to reduce the risk of gastric ulcers and increase gastrointestinal motility caused by stress.


Information concerning the effects of consuming Gamma Oryzanol can be obtained from the Google website – www.google.com.  Some of the web pages which can be visited on the Google web site are as follows:


Gamma-Oryzanol …….is approved as a food additive and it is sold as a food supplement……



Gamma-Oryzanol.  Effects of gamma-oryzanol on serum lipids and apolipoproteins in dyslipidemic schizophrenics receiving major tranquilizers…



Gamma oryzanol is a naturally occurring mixture of plant chemicals called sterols and ferulic acid esters.  Some evidence… Gamma Oryzanol….



Bodybuilding Supplements – Gamma Oryzanol, Glucosamine, more-…

canine (dog) and human champions for decades.  Body Builder, the original and only liquid gamma oryzanol product that really works. ….



Gamma Oryzanol

Each year Japan manufactures 7 500 tons of Gamma Oryzanol from 150 000 tons of rice bran….



Gamma Oryzanol is a naturally occurring mixture of plant chemicals called sterols and ferulic acid esters.  Some evidence… muscle tissue. …




1 litre

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082 522 0167