The product is recommended for application to the legs for relief of temporary muscular soreness and stiffness where the product should be thoroughly applied 3 or more times per day. The effect can be improved by first sponging the application areas with warm water to open the pores of the skin and then after drying the surface, applying the product.
The product is also used by professional trainers to set up horses after a workout. After the day’s workout, apply the liniment to all 4 legs and wrap lightly. Do not bandage too tightly. The product is also applied to the back, loin and shoulders for relief of soreness and stiffness, where once again the area is first rubbed down with a heavy towel that has been wrung out in hot water, and then dried and the liniment applied, after which a heavy blanket is attached to the horse. Under these circumstances, care should be taken to prevent the horse from being exposed to draughts.
This product does not cause blistering or removal of hair.
It is available in 500 ml and 1 ℓ plastic tubs.