Keep out of reach of children.
Do not use in restricted space.
Avoid contamination of food and feed.
Wash hands thoroughly after use.
Although this remedy has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions, failure thereof may ensue as a result of a wide range of reasons. If this is suspected, seek veterinary advice, and notify the registration holder.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Use only as directed (Shake bottle before use).
N.B.: Always treat and handle birds gently so as to prevent panic as small, untamed birds may die of fright. Preferably spray only on warm days.
Shake well.
Remove bird from cage. Spray all the plumage LIGHTLY from a distance of about 20cm. Then return the bird to the cage and place in a warm protected spot afterwards. NOTE – this is a water-based spray so the bird will become wet. It must not be allowed to become chilled.
Before spraying cage or loft, remove all food and water. Thoroughly clean and spray the cage or loft, paying careful attention to perches, crevices, etc before returning bird, food, and water to cage.
Extremely nervous birds may be sprayed on the perch (or in a separate smaller cage) by spraying above the bird and allowing the mist to fall onto the plumage. Care must be taken not to contaminate feed and water.
To treat stick tight flea infestations around the eyes and on the comb – wet some cotton wool with spray and then “paint” on fleas.
Repeat weekly, as required.
Where there is a high red mite, lice and stick tight flea challenge, it will be necessary to use an intensive control programme, which would include the use of this spray at weekly intervals, together with a nesting powder applied weekly. In conjunction, the aviary or environment of the bird should be treated with an environment solid or spray product. All these products should be used strictly according to label directions. This intensive treatment regime is necessary to reduce the population of red mites, lice, and fleas, and in severe infestation cases may require the application of the programme for months.
Stride Distributors CC, Postnet Suite #45, Private Bag X16, Highveld Park, 0169
For further information telephone Stride Distributors CC at (012) 665-5157/3438