It is now been confirmed that there has been death from AHS in Bethlehem, another in East London area, one in Bergville, and one suspected north of Pietermaritzburg, plus two more in Pretoria.
Please take precaution!
There has been a case of AHS which has been reported to the veterinary profession. We would like to inform the public of this outbreak and ask that owners are urgently recommended to take as many measures as possible to protect their horses from African Horse Sickness.
Regrettably the vaccine which is available is not 100% protective (but should be used if available) and sadly the highest mortality occurs in young horses who have had few annual vaccinations.
There are more measures that can be adopted by horse owners to protect their horses and Stride tries to supplies several of these options. We also sell Equiworld Tick Dip which is a shorter acting product but it does kill ticks (which also transmit diseases).
Other available products that help with prevention include:
Also read our previous article African Horse Sickness: When is it Safe to Vaccinate?
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