Hi everyone
My name is Corrine. I was born in Bizana and grew up in Flagstaff in the former Transkei until the age
of 11, when we moved to a farm about half an hours’ drive from Kokstad.
I was introduced to horses at a very young age as my Grandparents had farmed in the Kokstad area
for many years and it was on their farm that I grew to love the freedom of riding bareback, hooves
pounding the dusty tracks with the wind in my hair. Never mind the fact that, being the youngest of
the horse riding cousins at the time, I was generally given ‘the moke’ to ride. We spent countless
hours on our horses, exploring every nook and cranny, jumping logs, streams and ditches and
swimming our horses in the dams….we did it all.
In my 20’s I was introduced to Eventing and spent a few years enjoying the sport with one of my
cousins and my sister in law. We were inseparable and nicknamed ourselves the Three Musketeers,
forever planning the next outing and enjoying the support of our husbands who would tag along and
support us time after time.
In 2013 I was introduced to Endurance riding & today I am blessed to own my own three Arabians,
Omar Saigon who is 14, Omar Casanova who is 9 and Omar Country Girl who is 6 years old.
Saigon, aka McNabs, has a big attitude, hard head and a beautiful heart. He is the patriarch of my
group who rules the roost and has a wicked sense of humour. We have spent many hours together
and know one another exceptionally well. He is the chatterbox who gives me a heart-warming hero’s
welcome every time he sees me and he is the mischief maker always conjuring up some new plan to
keep me on my toes. Forever quirky and comfortable in the fact that he knows he is loved dearly. In
2017 we represented KZN at Fauresmith where our team came 2 nd to the Springboks – Saigon ended
that year ranked 13 th overall, his greatest achievement to date.
Omar Casanova is always willing to please and he runs like the wind. He has been with me since the
age of 3 and throughout all this time has never once thrown a buck or done anything untoward. He
is highly intelligent and quick to pick up on things. He is the horse who hates having another in front
of him at a ride and often has me threatening to auction him off, sell him, or fit him into a bully beef
can during the first leg of a race while I am clinging on for dear life. Needless to say, he always
redeems himself as he is consistent and a really comfortable ride that seems never to run out of
Omar Country Girl is the new kid on our block. She has a loving nature but truly believes, when being
ridden, that everything is out to get her. She has moments of bucking like a broncho and can
sidestep a rock at the speed of light. Being young, we have brought her on slowly, ensuring she
grows from strength to strength.
For me, endurance is unquestionably about the love of my horses. All of them have been powered
by Stride Products since the very beginning and I have complete faith that these products enable
them to keep healthy, run well and finish strong.
I represent Stride Distributors KZN and have been a part of this special family for a number of years. I
look forward to a continued good relationship as we go from strength to strength.

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