Vet and Professional | Gastric Ulcers: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention publication – by The Horse.com
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Since its first domestication, believed to be around 5000 BC, the role of the horse in society has varied according to man’s requirements. Initially, the horse was kept principally for its flesh but soon became used for transport. The first example of a man on horseback is believed to be the bone engraving of the Susa horseman dating from 2800 BC. Selective breeding meant that by the 10th century BC horses had become essential to the skilled horseman turned warrior. Horse racing developed in parallel with horse riding.
Ethology is the study of the function and evolution of an animal’s behaviour in its natural environment. Why should ethology be an important consideration for veterinarians? Being familiar with the norm allows the veterinarian to know when they have been presented with the abnormal – this is the case whether we are considering physiological or behavioural parameters.
A dressage horse in motion embodies elegance, power, and grace. At least that’s what we strive for. But it can be difficult for a horse to be spectacular
on the outside if he feels lousy on the inside—and that’s the harsh reality for many performance
horses, according to research findings.
Although several studies have assessed the short-term effect of dietary supplements on the treatment and prevention of gastric ulceration in horses, few have assessed the response over a duration of more than 30 days. A blinded randomized noninferiority clinical trial was conducted using 42 Thoroughbred horses in race training with squamous ulceration of 2 grade 2/4, randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups for a period of 90 days:
NO matter how healthy your horse looks on the outside, if it is in training and regularly competing, research suggests that it is likely to be suffering from ulcers
While malaria is the most important mosquito-borne disease in South Africa, there are also several mosquito-borne
viruses that also cause human disease.
Have you missed the safe vaccination period? Find out when it is safe to administer the AHS vaccine and what precautions you can take during an outbreak.
Citronella is the common name for a perennial grass, Cymbopogon nardus, noted for its blue-green tinge and lemon-scented leaves. It can grow up to 1.5 metres and is cultivated in Sri Lanka, India, Burma and Indonesia. It is related to the lemon grass used in Southeast Asian cooking.
Field and in vitro insecticidal efficacy ofalphacypermethrin-treated high density polyethylene meshagainst Culicoides biting midges in South Africa.
Efficacy of alphacypermethrin-treated high density polyethylene mesh applied to jet stalls housing horses against Culicoides biting midges in South Africa
Affected horses present with acute-onset intense ocular pain or blepharospasm, lacrimation, severe chemosis and periorbital oedema.
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